Information agency 'Media Flow'
Company registration number: 39886776 (2015 July 09)
MEDIA FLOW INFORMATION AGENCY LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (MEDIA FLOW IA LLC) (Media Potik® - ukrainian) news agency provides external press service services and is a convenient tool for organising individual PR projects: large conferences, information days, exhibitions, etc. If a company works closely with the media and external organisations only during one-off events, the most cost-effective and efficient method is to outsource a professional press service.
What makes an external press service good
- An external press service is an organisation that specialises in providing PR services and works with other organisations on a long-term contract (outsourcing).
- The external press service assumes higher guarantees of the quality and efficiency of work in the field of public relations.
- The use of remote press services results in savings from organising an in-house unit of this kind.
- An outsourced press service contract involves a clearly limited list of work with a fixed cost and clear performance indicators, which allows you to get a guaranteed result.
We offer
Event organization
- Organization of press conferences, information meetings with journalists, briefings
- Press room rental
- Speechwriting, writing and preparing speeches
Work with journalists
- Writing articles, including news articles
- Translation service is temporarily unavailable
- Provision of information at the request of journalists in oral and written form, in accordance with the Law on Mass Media
- Preparation of media reviews on a given topic
- Responding to information in the media based on the results of monitoring, if necessary, issuing refutations, making corrections and additions
- Analysis of press and other events, preparation of reports before and after events for 10 days
Information support
- Maintenance of the organization's website
- News feed maintenance
- Publication of press releases, announcements, articles, etc.
- Placement of photographic materials, logos, banners
- Advertising on the website and other media
Video support
- Departure of a film crew
- Creating a corporate video, writing a script, selecting locations and editing
- Computer animation
- Editing of ready-made video materials
Organization of events and promotions
- Carrying out of intracorporate actions, creation of information stands, carrying out of exhibitions and presentations
- Development and carrying out of joint ventures, meetings, meetings, charitable actions